Most Handsome Classic Actors (in my opinion)

Making this list almost got the better of me. Blimey, could you present a more difficult task?! I'm not even sure of the order. Anyway, I've tried to give my best arguments for my choices of every pretty male specimen on the list, thus justifying the order.. sort of (though, believe me, I've changed it a number of times). I now present the finished edition to you with much joy and trepidation - it's such a sensitive area to make a opinion about and I hope that you can forgive me along the way.
Please, comment and give me your much appreciated opinions. Thanks!

  1. Paul Newman

The human embodiment of Michelangelo's statue of David,
body, face, profile, attitude and those electrifying blue eyes
= an altogether perfect Greek god!
He can act like no one else and remains with the same,
great woman throughout his life... 
And boy, is he a charmer (hell, they all are)!

  1. Clark Gable
The most masculine of men (perhaps only tying with John Wayne)
ever seen on screen! With the size and the awe of a mountain,
always armed with a woolfish grin and a gleam in his eye,
he could even make the most hard-boiled and headstrong
 of women (aka Scarlett O'Hara) fall for him.

  1. Gene Kelly
What a dancer! What an artist! He could kill with just a few
dancesteps and a smile, and there sure wasn't anything wrong
with that body of his (which was hard not to notice, anyway)!
He's been my idol since I was very young - and still is for very
obvious reasons.

  1. Gary Cooper
Photogenic (excuse me) as hell!
I mean - seriously! Look at him! And just take a look at "Morocco"
 where he plays opposite Marlene D...He's pure eye candy!
Besides a very solemn, strong actor - a man of few words
- not a bad thing at all.

  1. Rudolph Valentino
Simply a beautiful man - with an exotic streak in his character
and a legendary life and death. Altogether an alluring aura
surrounding his being, making generations of women
sigh and even faint at the sight of him. A fact that doesn't
fascinate me any less.

  1. Sean Connery
Mr. 007 - James Bond himself - in every Scottish, terrific angle.
A great actor, who has kept his talent AND looks pretty much
unharmed through centuries! Well done, Sean.
Aging with grace can make everybody green with envy.
I never get tired of watching him!

  1. Gregory Peck
He was so very sweet in "Roman Holiday", when I first
came across him. And with such a gentle and handsome exterior
(reminding me of a more pensive version of Rock Hudson)
he could hardly ever enter a room unnoticed. No wonder...!

  1. Cary Grant
His remarkable talent for acting - especially comedy -
and his good looks made him the perfect choice
for the male lead in romantic screwball comedies
and suspense, too. Was there anything that man couldn't do?

  1. Laurence Olivier 
Magnificent actor - unpredictable, yet natural
in his manner and with such a pleasant voice!
Personally, I find him irresistible in "Rebecca"
and with beautiful Vivien Leigh by his side
on and off screen, it can't get much more attractive.

  1. Rock Hudson
He could play a playboy and a cad, but most of all,
he had humour, kindness and honesty written all over
his handsome face, and I just can't see why anyone
 - men as well as women - would not come to love him.

Other (also very worthy) contenders: Robert Redford, James Dean, Peter Finch, Christopher Reeve, Sidney Poitier, Yul Brynner, Fredric March, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Jeremy Brett, Tony Curtis, Alain Delon (sort of a French version of James Dean, ain't he?), William Holden, Christopher Plummer, Brian Aherne, Burt Lancaster, Ivor Novello, Montgomery Clift, Rod Taylor, Marlon Brando, James Stewart, Dirk Bogarde, Gilbert Roland, Alan Bates, Steve McQueen, Robert Taylor, Charlie Chaplin, Laurence Harvey, Toshiro Mifune, Louis Jourdan, James Garner, Leslie Nielsen, William Shatner, Joel McCrea, Richard Burton, Tyrone Power ... more?


  1. Whoa! Lovely list!! Paul Newman has been my idol since forever! He's classy, handsome, loyal, blue-eyed (!!)... A MAN all the way! (he also had a good taste in salad dressing!) :D My other faves of this list are Gregory Peck (SUCH a gentleman!!), Gene Kelly (He's so cute, that's the word I'd use, he's terribly CUTE!), Cary Grant (The perfect always-troubled-gentleman!), Marlon Brando (KILLING sexy! Though not my favorite model of a "person", unlike Paul Newman) and James Dean. Actually most of these guys are my all time faves! This list contains somewhat ALL my favorite classic actors! :D Thanks pal! :)

  2. @Nightingale Thanks a lot! I can't see why we should ever come to disagree when we share such a fabulous taste, haha! ;) And I so agree with you on the Brando part; he's not a favorite person/actor of mine, but he sure did look hot as a young, upcoming movie star(later he sort of lost it). Thanks again for stopping by! :)

  3. Gary Cooper - the forgotten star, I guess because he died young. Only 60. You can capture the real essence of the man by watching the 4-Star (in color) Friendly Persuasion, from 1956. A great family movie!


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