The Cult Surrounding Twin Peaks

The Log Lady

It's quirky. It's dark. It's campy. It's surreal. It's funny. I'd heard about this television show before, I just never had the chance to see it. Not before a large group of people - a rather dedicated crowd - on my folk high school introduced it to me. Told me it was a cult phenomenon in the 90s - and obviously still was. Of course, David Lynch (the creator of the show) is a fascinating filmmaker and his style is very recognizable.

To be honest, I wasn't completely hooked from the beginning but like with most TV shows, time and patience guided me from episode to episode and I admit, soon the feeling of intensity swept through me and I was captivated. I realized how much this ultimate devotion had affected me; the whole cult thing surrounding this TV show. Though, the ending was a frightful cliffhanger, I found it a bit too unsatisfying. But that's Lynch, I guess. Well, I won't disclose it in this post, you better see it for yourself 🤓

By the way, if you - on the other hand - have watched the show and fallen for the mysterious charm of the Log Lady, you'll find this poem by French poet Charles Baudelaire very fascinating:


by Charles Baudelaire

"Under the overhanging yews,
The dark owls sit in solemn state,
Like stranger gods; by twos and twos
Their red eyes gleam. They meditate.

Motionless thus they sit and dream
Until that melancholy hour
When, with the sun's last fading gleam,
The nightly shades assume their power.

From their still attitude the wise
Will learn with terror to despise
All tumult, movement, and unrest;

For he who follows every shade,
Carries the memory in his breast,
Of each unhappy journey made."

'The Owls' is reprinted from The Poems and Prose Poems of Charles Baudelaire. Ed. James Huneker. New York: Brentano's, 1919.
